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- 2022-07-31
- Ardbeg
Ardbeg 酒廠隆重推出全新龐克搖滾限量版威士忌 Ardcore
Ardbeg 酒廠誠邀全球威士忌愛好者一同出席 Ardbeg Day 2022 嘉年華。
Ardcore 的搖滾靈感受 Ardbeg 酒廠擁躉不顧一切的熱情所啟發,也融入艾雷島名不經傳的龐克歷史——艾雷島的主要港口 Port Ellen 於 1970 年代曾被戲稱為「PUNK ELLEN」。
Ardbeg 酒廠的釀酒師 Colin Gordon 表示:「今年是我參與的首個實體 Ardbeg Day。我們知道不是每個人都能親身到艾雷島參與慶典,因此我們安排了網上直播,希望所有威士忌愛好者無論在現場抑或家中,都能在 6 月 4 日當日盡情享受、盡情狂歡!」
Ardbeg 酒廠的首席威士忌蒸餾及調酒師 Bill Lumsden 博士形容 Ardcore 為「將『黑心』表露無遺」的一款烈酒。「以烘烤至近乎碳化程度的黑麥芽釀製,木炭的香氣滲出焦糖氣息,八角和黑朱古力的味道衝擊味蕾,必定會吸引一班 Ardbeg 酒廠的忠實擁躉。」
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Inspired by the devil-may-care attitude of Ardbeg’s fans, this dram is bottled for them. Ardcore also draws inspiration from Islay’s little-known punk past, celebrating the characters of ‘PUNK ELLEN’ – the alleged nickname for Islay’s main port, Port Ellen, in the 1970s.
Colin Gordon, Ardbeg’s Distillery Manager, said: “This year will be my first physical Ardbeg Day. We know not everybody can make it to Islay, so we’re delighted to be broadcasting all the day’s antics online too. Whether at the Distillery or at home, we hope lots of you rock up, punked out and ready to party come 4th June!”
Ardbeg’s Head of Distilling and Whisky Creation, Dr Bill Lumsden, said: “Ardcore is a dram that wears its heart on its sleeve – its black heart! Created with roasted black malt, burnt to hair-raising levels, this spirit is all about substance. Notes of charcoal and sweet smoke make for an in-your-face nose, while potent notes of aniseed and dark chocolate stamp this bottle out as one fit only for the most Ardcore of fans.”