

在170年前,Joseph Krug打破傳統,開始追求他的夢想。無論氣侯如何改變,都能每年生產出最醇厚美味的香檳。


地區: 法國漢斯 始創於: 1843



    Every year, the House of Krug honours the dream of one man, Joseph Krug with a new Édition of Krug Grande Cuvée, the most generous expression of Champagne As of 2017 Krug Grande Cuvée displays its Édition number on the front label

    This turning point in Krug’s history brings to light the beauty, uniqueness, and collectability of these creations Today, over one hundred and seventy five years after Krug Grande Cuvée was first created, the House of Krug is delighted to present Krug Grande Cuvée 171 ème Édition
  • 庫克第27版粉紅香檳KRUG ROSÉ 27ÈME ÉDITION

    Krug Rosé 27 ème Édition is a blend of 38 wines from 9 different years, the youngest of which is from 2015, while the oldest dates back to 2005

    It was completed with 10 traditionally macerated Pinot Noir of the year blended from plots in Aÿ and Mareuil sur Aÿ to add a unique spiciness, colour and structure Its final composition is 57 Pinot
    Noir, 23 Chardonnay and 20 Meunier

    A stay of around seven years in Krug’s cellars gives Krug Rosé 27 ème Édition its unique expression and elegance
  • 庫克年份香檳2008 (KRUG 2008)

    庫克年份香檳2008 (Krug 2008) 是複雜多變的醉人之選,盡展大自然的層次和優雅 。2008 年的庫克年份香檳停留在味蕾上的豐富濃郁香氣恰如其分,餘韻沁人心脾,而且優雅獨特,將成為永恆經典。
  • 庫克羅曼尼鑽石白中白香檳 2004 (KRUG CLOS DU MESNIL 2004)

    庫克羅曼尼鑽石白中白香檳 (Krug Clos du Mesnil) 用100%的霞多麗釀製而成。霞多麗葡萄的高純度與梅斯尼葡萄园(Clos du Mesnil)土地的芬芳使得這款香檳形成了獨特的圓潤與優雅口感。
  • 庫克安邦內黑鑽黑中白香檳 2002 (KRUG CLOS D'AMBONNAY 2002)

  • 庫克收藏家香檳1988(Krug Collection 1988)

    庫克收藏家香檳Krug Collection 是延長了酒莊窖藏期的庫克年份香檳Krug Vintage,可能晚除渣,也可能不是,這取決於庫克首席酿酒师對該年份的判斷。庫克收藏家香檳Krug Collection是庫克年份香檳Krug Vintage 的第二次生命,綻放更成熟的魅力。


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